Double Vision?
Causes, Symptoms, & When to contact a Doctor

Double vision, or diplopia, can be a concerning visual symptom that may indicate various underlying health issues. In this section, we will explore the causes of double vision, its potential implications, and when it's crucial to seek immediate medical attention.
Double vision occurs when a person sees two images of a single object. This can be a result of issues with the eye muscles, nerves, or other health conditions. Understanding the nature of double vision is essential for proper diagnosis and timely treatment.
Double vision can result from an underlying issue in the eyes themselves or the brain. One way to test this, is by covering the non affected eye. If the double image is still there, it is highly likely an eye problem.
- Seeing Double with Both Eyes Open: Double vision occurs when both eyes are open.
- Seeing Double Even with One Eye Closed: Double vision persists even when you close one eye.
- Vertical Double Vision: Double images appear one above the other.
- Horizontal Double Vision: Double images appear side by side.
- Double Vision at Certain Times: Double vision happens at specific times, influenced by factors like fatigue.
- On-and-Off Double Vision: Double vision occurs primarily at night or in low-light conditions.

Seeing two images instead of one, can be caused by various factors that affect how our eyes work together.
One common cause is misalignment of the eyes, where the muscles or nerves responsible for eye movement don't coordinate properly. Other reasons include issues specific to one eye, such as problems with the lens or retina. Serious conditions like stroke, nerve pressure from head injuries or tumors, and certain muscle diseases can also lead to double vision.
It's essential to understand that double vision is a symptom rather than a condition on its own, and seeking medical attention is crucial to identify the underlying cause and determine the appropriate treatment. If you ever experience persistent or sudden double vision, consult one of our MIA doctors for a thorough evaluation and personalized care by clickig the button below, or seek medical attention at a clinic nearby.
- Engage in targeted eye exercises for potential relief from double vision.
- Prioritize sufficient rest and stress management to alleviate symptoms.
- Exercise caution with alcohol and medication use to prevent exacerbation.
- Strabismus: When the eye muscles do not work together correctly, it can lead to occasional double vision.
- Stroke: A sudden disruption of blood flow to the brain can cause various symptoms, including double vision.
- Nerve Pressure: Pressure on nerves, stemming from issues like a broken skull, eye socket, aneurysm, tumor, or increased brain pressure, may result in double vision.
- Muscle Diseases: Conditions such as myasthenia gravis, Graves' disease, and multiple sclerosis (MS) can contribute to double vision.
- Eye Trauma: Double vision in one eye may occur due to a significant impact on the eye, causing the lens to shift.
- Other Causes: Problems with tears, cataracts, uneven cornea, or poisoning with alcohol or medication can also lead to double vision.

Recognizing when to seek help for double vision is crucial. If you experience sudden double vision, contact your GP immediately. For worsening or intermittent double vision, schedule an appointment with your GP.
People often ignore double vision, thinking it will go away on its own or because they're worried about not knowing what's wrong or the cost of medical help. But it's important to act quickly – getting help early can catch and treat health problems, keeping you healthy and preventing complications. Don't underestimate the importance of dealing with double vision signs promptly.
- Sudden Onset of double vision: If you suddenly experience double vision, contact the ER immediately.
- Gradual Worsening of double vision: If double vision worsens over time or occurs intermittently, schedule an appointment with your GP.
- Sever headache of pain behind the eyes: If you notice intense headache or eye pain unlike anything you've felt before.
- Stiff Neck: If your neck hurts or feels stiff when you try to bend it. Try to bend, and notice if your chin touches your chest without pain or limitation.
- Skin Abnormalities: If you notice small red spots on the skin which do not fade when you press on them.
- Persistent Vomiting: If you're throwing up a lot and it's not stopping, especially if you have a headache.
- Fever and General Illness: If you have a fever and feel very sick, mostly without cold-like symptoms.
- Neurological Symptoms: If you suddenly experience problems like paralysis, crooked mouth, difficulty speaking, double vision, or poor vision.
- Drowsiness: If you feel excessively sleepy or drowsy.
- Pregnancy or Recent Birth: If you're pregnant or have recently given birth.
- Recent Head Trauma: If you've had a head injury in the past 6 weeks.